Monday, October 02, 2006

On Top Of The World

On our way back to the University from Akrofi-Christaller in Akropong, our group stopped by Krobo Mountain for a little hike. It was a really nice hike…especially if you like to sweat. It was hot and it was quite strenuous. I was definitely dripping with sweat. There were also several places that there didn’t really even seem to be a path. We had to walk through lots of tall grass that stood way over our heads…and stupid me was wearing shorts and a t-shirt (although I wasn’t the only one). There were also a lot of bugs, and I got a lot of bites. My arms and legs were literally covered with them…very itchy. It was actually the first time I had used bug spray too, but I think it may have come off with all of the sweat. We passed through grass, woods, and rocky areas, and there was even an area with tons on small cacti growing. Once we reached the top, we rested a little bit and took some pictures. It was an amazing view. We could see for miles, but man, was it a long way down. I definitely didn’t like getting too close to the edge, because it was pretty much a straight drop to the ground. There was a big cross that had been placed on top by Germans (I think missionaries) some time ago, but sometime since it has been knocked down. After a little time at the top we made our way back down, which wasn’t quite so tiring but was almost harder because it was so easy to slip on the smooth rocks and the lose stones. There were a couple times that I came close to falling on my butt, but I saved myself somehow. After reaching the bottom, we had a little lunch and made our way back to the University, where showers were the first thing on the agenda.

Again, thanks to Melissa for these two pictures.

Me, on top of Krobo Mountain

Joel and I at the top


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing!! Sorry it took so long for me to get to reading it! Man, that hike sounds wicked cool (and hard!)
Hope you are continuing to love every minute of it.
You are in my prayers!
~Amanda M

10/12/2006 11:26 PM


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