Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cape Coast Trip - Day 1

Here are some pictures of the two slave castles we visited over the weekend. The first is Cape Coast Castle and the second is Elmina Castle (the first European building built in Sub-Saharan Africa). Such a pretty landscape for such a horrific action.

Cape Coast Castle

The Ocean-side of the Castle

A view of the Atlantic from Inside the Castle

The Door of No Return (The last door the slaves went through before being put on the ships)

Directly outside the Door of No Return

Elmina Castle - built 1482

The view of the castle before entering

The female slave yard

The Portuguese the center of the Slave Castle

The Slave Exit to the Boats

The Ocean-side of Elmina Castle

Me with the city of Elmina and fishing boats in the background

Me at Elmina Castle

Sunlight on the Castle

Bats in the Castle


Blogger Scott Hekman said...

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10/19/2006 11:18 PM

Blogger Scott Hekman said...

Dang, Justin...

That's some really depressing stuff, but I'm glad you are taking away from it. I'm praying for ya bud.

Scott Hekman

10/19/2006 11:19 PM


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